Ear Pinning Surgery in Turkey | Med Turkish

Deformities that require ear plastic surgery may be seen in the ear. In prominent ear, the outer ears (auricles) are positioned on the side of the head at an angle greater than normal. In other words, they abnormally curve forward and look prominent. Such a condition may lead to important psychosocial, behavioral and emotional problems, especially in children. Otoplasty involves only the external ear. Otoplasty is a surgical procedure that can be performed extremely safely. Therefore, it will not lead to any problems in terms of hearing. Since the ear growth is completed until 5-6 years of age, it is advised to perform otoplasty at these ages, to correct the ears. Otoplasty (prominent ear surgery) is performed under general anesthesia in children. In older patients, it can also be performed using a local anesthesia to numb the ear, without general anesthesia. Since otoplasty is performed from behind the ears, it leaves no scar.

What is the most suitable age for otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a procedure suitable to be performed at all ages. However, the most suitable age for this surgical procedure is all ages before school. Children who go to school with prominent ears will encounter negative thoughts of their friends, which will affect their mental state. For this reason, this situation should be explained to the child before otoplasy, in a way he/she can understand, and the surgical operation should be performed on his/her own accord. This procedure will be performed if the child wants.

What are the points that I should take into consideration before otoplasty?

As in all surgeries, it is necessary to stop using aspirin as well as smoking 2-3 weeks before surgery. In the last week before surgery, the use of blood thinners and other similar substances should be stopped.

Does otoplasty leave a scar on my ear?

After surgery, it is quite normal to see a fine, white line behind the ear. Because this fine line remains behind the ear, it will definitely not been seen when viewed from the front. Since self-dissolving sutures are used in surgery, there is no need to remove sutures, and no scar remains after surgery.

Will I feel pain during otoplasty?

If the otoplasty operation will be performed under general anesthesia, you will not feel pain. Even if it will be performed under local anesthesia, you will feel only the anesthetic injection pain. You will feel no pain during surgery. After surgery, you will not feel pain for a period of about 12 hours because of anesthetics. After this stage, you will have no serious pain.

What will I experience after otoplasty? Will it be necessary to wear a headband?

After the otoplasty operation, the head is wrapped with an elastic bandage. Afterwards, patients are discharged. After two postoperative days, the bandages are removed, the wound is viewed, and then the patient wears a headband in such a way as to cover the ears. The band is intended to provide the patient with a complete protection. Patients can easily take a bath two days after surgery. The headband should be worn regularly for a period of one week. The next day after surgery, the patient can easily return to work. The patient should be careful to protect his/her ears from external mechanical impacts for the first three postoperative weeks.

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