Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess fat deposits and excess skin from the front part of the abdominal region and tightening of the abdominal muscles. Stretch marks are seen usually after rapid weight changes and during pregnancy. The purpose of abdominoplasty is to eliminate stretch marks, remove excess abdominal fat, and ensure the abdominal region to regain its ideal appearance after surgery. The operation time of abdominoplasty usually ranges from 2 to 4 hours. Sutures of the operated patient are removed 10 to 15 days after surgery, depending on the recovery process. Patients can be discharged after staying under our supervision in the hospital overnight, and then can get back to their work after 2 to 4 weeks. Our surgeons advise our patient to wear a corset and avoid exercise for a certain period of time after abdominoplasty. Abdominoplasty will leave a slight scar. It will not pose a problem for patients because the scar will become indistinct over time, and the location of the surgical scars will be determined in accordance with the preferred underwear model.
For whom is abdominoplasty performed?
Full abdominoplasty is performed on people, who have experienced excessive weight changes or have given birth. If there is excess skin above the belly button, and if a fold appears under the belly button when the patient sitting, to an extent that he/she can grab it, he/she is considered to be a suitable candidate for abdominoplasty. Non-morbid obese people, those who cannot burn their abdominal excess fat despite diet and exercise, those who have sagging skin, skin laxity, and stretch marks in their abdominal region as a result of weight loss, those who have a big abdomen although they have not given birth, those who have sagging skin, skin laxity, and stretch marks due to pregnancy, and those who have excess fat deposition in their abdominal region although their body sizes are in the aesthetically acceptable range, are suitable candidates for abdominoplasty. People without health problems that constitute an impediment to abdominoplasty can easily have this surgical procedure. If the patient has no excess skin, if he/she has only a little excess fat, and if the abdominal wall has become loose due to birth and weight change, endoscopic abdominoplasty is preferred. If the excess skin and fat accumulation are in the lower abdomen only, mini abdominoplasty (mini tummy tuck) is performed.
What do we need to do before abdominoplasty?
As in all surgeries, we need to be attentive to certain things immediately before abdominoplasty. Smoking cessation is the first thing to do in this regard. It is because smoking slows down the blood circulation, and prolongs the healing period of surgical wounds. In the last preoperative week, you should definitely stop using blood thinners and medications, which would adversely affect the anesthesia. It is important to plan your surgery by considering your menstrual period, for ensuring that the date of surgery will not coincide with it.
Will I feel pain during abdominoplasty?
Abdominoplasty is not a painful surgical procedure. Abdominoplasty is performed under local anesthesia that has a long-lasting effect on all incisions and abdominal wall. By this means, patients also do not feel postoperative pains. Even if they feel some pain the next day after surgery, it will be due to the tension created by abdominoplasty. Pain will be less in endoscopic abdominoplasty and mini abdominoplasty.
What will I experience after abdominoplasty?
After abdominoplasty, patients definitely wear compression socks and abdominal corset. In addition, urinary catheter and surgical drain are applied. Patients can eat and walk a few hours after surgery. In the first days, patients should walk bending forward for protecting the sutures from strain. Since sutures remain under the skin after surgery, there is no need to remove sutures. Patients can return to their normal life after one week, and can begin to exercise after three weeks.
Will I relapse into my former condition?
Abdominoplasty offers permanent solutions to problems in that region. However, some losses can be seen in cases of excessive weight change after surgery and pregnancy. Nevertheless, the patient does not relapse into his/her former condition. Patients encounter no problem as long as they watch their weight and eat in a balanced manner after abdominoplasty.
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