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With a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of obesity seamlessly implemented our primary purpose in the diagnosis and treatment of patients regularly to ensure that they give weight and, most importantly, the weight loss in the year of is to provide protection.



The patients for the treatment of obesity, weight control, nutrition and diet specialists is expected to provide. Here, nutritional habits and a diet of larger health criteria calculated for each patient is planned. Nutritionist patients present for the pursuit of the program.




In the treatment of obesity patients, most of the time, most of the time while playing sports due to the excess weight has been experiencing health problems; for example, the problems that occur due to overload like riding in the knee joint. These problems cause you to give up completely and the patient’s exercise causes you to gain more weight.


Our expert physicians of these patients and physiotherapists to start exercise again appropriate to the health status of people, swimming, water exercises such as exercises, is preparing a program. Usually a 45 minute activity at least 3 days per week to be made, even in the patient’s weight loss may be effective.




The patient’s nutrition and exercise programs is an effective method of losing weight. However, the patient still see these programs so that a specific time and at the end back to life again like old sedentary can lead to weight gain. In these patients, to make changes in lifestyle habits, for example, to take the subway instead of driving continuous, filled with sports activities like hiking on the weekends instead of cooking programs are encouraged to weight the different programs.




If you have any metabolic problem that causes the patient to gain weight (reactive hypoglycemia, such as insulin resistance) in order to eliminate these problems by doctors to drug treatment can be applied. However, treatment with medication should not be understood directly from obesity to drug treatment. Yet FDA-approved for the treatment of obesity is not really a safe and effective drug that can be prescribed.




The basic principle is based on two of bariatric surgery; reducing the volume of the stomach and/or ‘malabsorsiyon’ so ensure that you are blocked at some stage of the absorption of food.




Obesity body mass index of 35 and above, the control expert in medical nutrition, exercise, and medical treatment methods, such as patients who are not definitive cure is recommended. Besides, body mass index over 30, which is high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, such as the patient, it is recommended that affect the quality of life of patients and duration. In which surgery is necessary, that is determined by several doctors as a result of examinations and investigations.


Of reproductive age and women who plan to have children in the short term, this condition should consult their doctor. Because it is not conceived for 24 months following gastric bypass surgery is recommended.