PRP Treatment for hair loss | Med Turkish


Platelet responsible for blood clotting is one of the most fundamental cells of blood. PRP is preferred and used in many treatments because of the fat that it provides clotting, repairing, and healing. The blood of the person is taken in a sterilized environment, and then is processed in a special device running at high speed. The red blood cells and white blood cells in the blood precipitate, while the portion rich in platelet moves to the upper part. Delivery of this plasma, highly rich in platelet, to the application site takes about 30 minutes. After the procedure, freshness and brightness become immediately visible on the skin. At the end of the third and fourth application, its effect will obviously be seen. In the procedure, PRP (Platelet Enriched Plasma) obtained by processing the blood taken from the patient is applied to areas where it is needed. These regions are usually the face and scalp regions.

It is used in the face region to provide skin resurfacing and make the skin shiner. The obtained liquid contains millions of stem cells and growth factors. Since the procedure involves the use of tissues taken from the patients own body, it is a natural and skin rejuvenating procedure.

For what problems and where is PRP applied?

PRP is applied for skin rejuvenation, blemish treatment, elimination of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, wound healing etc. PRP is applied to all areas with aging problem, where a solution can be provided, such as the hair, face, neck, hand, and whole body …

How many hours should PRP be applied?

PRP may need to be applied in 4 sessions to achieve the best result. Since PRP treatment is a natural procedure that involves the use of the patients own tissues, its application in more sessions will have no drawback.

In what ways can the PRP procedure be performed?

The ways of performance of the PRP procedure is divided into two. The first is filler injection, and the second is mesotherapy. PRP can also be prepared in the forms of mask and cream.

How does the skin regeneration process occur with PRP?

In the PRP procedure, the platelet-rich portion of the blood taken from the patient is separated by a special method. This rich portion is then injected back into the areas to be treated. By this means, a greater amount of growth factors will be released in the injection site, as well. This ensures the healing of wounds, elimination of wrinkles, skin problems, and acne scars as well as the perfect regeneration of the skin.

When does the result take effect in thr PRP procedure?

A few days after the PRP procedure, the skin becomes noticeably brighter and shiner. Since the PRP procedure is performed with the patients own tissues, it takes effect by stimulating the tissues. With the help of repeated sessions, this effect will become more noticeable over time.

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