Normally our eyes move symmetrically in the same direction. Each of our eyes has six extraocular muscles that enable them to move. These are superior rectus muscle, inferior rectus muscle, lateral rectus muscle, medial rectus muscle, superior oblique muscle, and inferior oblique muscle. When our eyes do not move symmetrically, and if at least one of these muscles weakness or excessive power, strabismus appears.
Strabismus can be seen as a permanent or temporary, congenital or acquired disorder in children and adults. It can be in one or both eyes and the deviation can be inward, outward, or in any direction. In case of a cross-eye condition, two different images appear in our brain. Our brain perceives this deviated image, and this causes loss of vision. As in all treatments, early diagnosis is very important in strabismus treatment. Strabismus examination can be performed on children of all ages; however, it should be performed on especially children under the age of four. Inability to achieve early diagnosis will create aesthetic and psychological problems. Besides these, it will also cause life-long vision problems. In strabotomy operations, the power of the extraocular muscles around the eyeballs are increased, reduced or the points where they are effective are changed. Strabismus operations can be performed under local anesthesia, but usually general anesthesia is preferred. For this reason, it will not be an operation requiring you to stay in the hospital for a long time. After the surgery, you will rest for a few hours and then become able to go home. Since self-dissolving sutures will be used on your eye, you will not need to come to the hospital for the removal of the sutures.
What are the signs and symptoms of strabismus?
Loss of symmetry in the positions of the eyes, double vision, headache, lacrimation, loss of three-dimensional vision, blurred vision, and tilting head to the side are the most common signs and symptoms of strabismus.
What are the types of strabismus?
Strabismus is given different names depending on the direction of the eye misalignment. The types of strabismus are called esotropia (i.e. inward strabismus), exotropia (i.e. outward strabismus), hypotropia (i.e. upward strabismus), and hypertropia (i.e. downward strabismus).
Does strabismus appear genetically?
Strabismus is a disease that occurs in occurs in approximately 2% to 4% of the population. Genetic predisposition is known to be a particular factor in for its occurrence. Therefore, if there are individuals who have strabismus, poor vision, or who wear eyeglasses in your family, you should not neglect to get examined as soon as possible.
Is early diagnosis important in surgery?
As in all diseases and surgeries, early diagnosis is very important in strabismus treatment. Strabismus does not cause only deterioration of eyesight and amblyopia. If it is not diagnosed early, it can lead to very important eye diseases or tumors. Strabismus begins at an early age. The later its treatment is started, the more difficult its treatment will be.
How is strabotomy performed on infants?
The surgical procedure performed on infants is not different from the surgical procedure performed on adults. However, there are several adjustments required to be made during the surgery planning, in accordance with the age of the baby as well as the characteristics of his/her eye.